Alta Badia - Dolomites ItalySuedtirol



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Temporary exhibition 'Bücherwelten 2024'

    When and where26.05.2024
    • 10:00 AM-06:00 PM
    San Martin

    For the first time, the "Bücherwelten" exhibition is coming to Museum Ladin. The focus of this year's edition of Bücherwelten "Bildhaft gesagt” (pictorially told) draws attention to a special kind of bookmaking: in many books, the image is not simply a visual complement to the text, but image and text form an inseparable unit in the communication of factual, scientific or narrative content.
    On this theme, the Museum Ladin Ciastel de Tor will be showing a selection of award-winning works from 2023, new books for children and young people, a Bookstart corner and a selection of Ladin books.

    Free entry.

    During the event photos or video footage may be taken for the purpose of documentation and promotion of the event and the region. The footage may be used and published on websites, on social networks and on media in compliance with the data protection regulations.


    Follow the SS244 Val Badia road towards Picolin. Continue on road SP29 to San Martin.

    In order to encourage sustainable mobility, choose environmentally friendly means of transportation, such as public transport.