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Fora por le Tru di Pra: half marathon, full emotions
La Val - Terra di escursionisti
Fora por le Tru di Pra: half marathon, full emotions

The “Maratonina Tru di Pra”, starting and ending in the centre of La Val, leads you step by step through the enchanting meadows which characterise this slice of paradise in Alta Badia. We are between 1,300 and 2,000 metres of altitude, surrounded by a landscape that is nothing short of astonishing: the itinerary will delight you with magnificent panoramic spots, unique historical monuments, enchanting places where you can capture the moment by taking a photo, huts that seem to have reached us straight from the pre-Roman era, fun and play for young and adults alike, meadows on which you can lie down and unwind, mountain streams, springs of crystalline water, a sulphur spring in Al Bagn, shadowy forests, expanses of mountain pine and culinary highlights based on local products. We are looking forward to seeing you.   

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Good to know

What is the best time to witness spring blossoming in the mountains?

Hardly any other flower symbolises the beginning of spring in our mountains as much as the crocus whose blossoming delivers a wonderful spectacle from April to June. Not to mention that the iconic flowers of the Dolomites, such as gentiana and edelweiss, can be seen throughout all summer. 

What makes the Armentara meadows so unique?

First and foremost their beauty. But also their botanical features which transform the meadows into a genuine garden of the Dolomites' biodiversity. It is home to more than 60 different bird species and offers countless varieties of flowers, including very rare species such as arnica, anemone and a variety of orchidaceae.  

What are the properties of the common dandelion?

The dandelion, or taraxacum officinale, is rich in vitamins and minerals such as vitamin A, C, E and K, as well as potassium, iron and calcium. It's a natural digestive and diuretic and possesses antioxidant properties as it contains flavonoids, which counteract free radicals and contribute to preventing cellular ageing.

Memento vivere, a positive exhortation to live: where can I find this trail?

The “memento vivere” is a family-friendly hiking trail that leads from the village of La Val to the Church of Santa Barbara, which dates back to the 15th century. A special place, well-loved by the Ladins and steeped in legend. We highly recommend you to visit this place.

Why search for secluded and little-known places in Alta Badia?

For only in these Eden-like corners one can contemplate and experience the most authentic Ladin spirit, which is based on a harmonious relationship between nature, rural life and age-old traditions. Hidden treasures, which must be discovered and protected.

Info & contact
Meeting point
Ufficio Turistico La Val - Str. San Senese 1
Alta Badia Tourism Cooperative
La Val - Terra di escursionisti 39030
+39 0471 843072
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Nature, culture, gastronomy and togetherness

Events in Alta Badia are all about hospitality.

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