Alta Badia - Dolomites ItalySuedtirol



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The ingredients

Our restaurateurs enhance the aromas, the flavours and the values of our land


In addition to language, there is a second key to unlock every culture wherever you are in the world: food! The way in which the various dishes are selected, prepared and enjoyed reveals features which are both material and immaterial.

The story about food in Alta Badia is both ancient and at the same time very innovative. Food is rooted in research, choice of ingredients, careful preparation. And yet, it also incorporates tradition and ethics. For a good meal does more than merely nourish the body.

For the restaurateurs of Alta Badia, cooking doesn’t just go back to the roots in a metaphorical sense. Instead of ordering raw ingredients from far away that will be available all year round (though naturally causing a considerable quantity of CO2 emissions in both production and transport), they try to rediscover the rhythm of nature and its treasures.

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In this way, unique dishes are created, which are only on the menu at specific times of the year and which, in addition to their health-giving properties and their ancient flavours, also respect important immaterial values:

- the love of and connection to nature;
- the support of the micro-economy of local producers, and the associated welfare of the whole local community
- the use of ingredients where it is possible not only to trace back the entire delivery chain, but also to know those involved with it personally;
- ecological sustainability and waste reduction.

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