Alta Badia - Dolomites ItalySuedtirol



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Speck dumplings

Bales da cioce


Bread dumplings or bales in Ladin language, the delicious and varied specialty of South Tyrol, can be tasted in many ways. They are excellent as an appetizer, as a first course, as a side dish and even as a dessert.

In Alta Badia we particularly love them with speck ham, our farmers ate one in broth and the others with coleslaw salad or goulash. In our days you can try them served as an appetizer, perhaps seasoned with a chanterelle salad or with melted butter and of course as a side dish.

Ingredients for 3 servings
500gr of bread cut in small cubes
150gr of speck ham cut in small cubes
3 spoons of flour
3 eggs
half an onion, a cup of milk, some minced parsley, some chives, salt, some oil.

Prepare a bowl of bread (cut in small cubes) and add onion and bacon slightly fried. - Mix carefully milk, flour, eggs and salt, parsley and chives. - Form round bales with wet hands and cook them in boiling water for approximately 15 minutes.

Instead of speck, you can also use other ingredients, such as cheese, spinach, beetroot, mushrooms and everything you like.

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